Reports and Publications

Deadly Dispersants in the Gulf: Are Public Health and Environmental Tragedies the new Norm for Oil Spill Cleanups?

(April 2013): Details the devastating long-term effects on human health and the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem stemming from BP and the federal government’s widespread use of the dispersant Corexit, in response to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Evidence suggests that the cleanup effort has been more destructive to human health and the environment [...]

2020-05-18T07:52:59-04:00April 18th, 2013|Reports and Publications|

International Best Practices in Whistleblower Protections

(March 2013): Checklist of 20 requirements that reflects an organizational history of lessons learned about the difference between policy rhetoric and meaningful, ‘bullet-proof’ anti-retaliation measures. All the concepts set out exist in various employee protection statutes currently on the books in the United States or other countries. Download the PDF [...]

2020-05-18T07:55:16-04:00March 18th, 2013|Reports and Publications|

Tipping the Scales: Is the United Nations Justice System Promoting Accountability in the Peacekeeping Missions or Undermining It?

(September 2012): Analyzes the impact of the United nations internal justice system on accountability practices int he UN peacekeeping missions based on a review of two years of UN Dispute Tribunal and UN Appeals Tribunal judgments, and 36 interviews with key UN personnel, external attorneys and whistleblowers from eight different peacekeeping missions. Download [...]

2020-05-18T08:01:55-04:00September 18th, 2012|Reports and Publications|

The IDB, Poverty and Racial Discrimination

(October 2009): Shows the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the most important mutlilateral lender to Latin America, fails to promote racial equality adequately. The issue affects the identification, preparation, and implementation of IDB programs and projects in the region, as well as the Bank’s hiring, retention, and promotion practices. Executive Summary in English. Resumen Ejecutivo en Español. El [...]

2020-05-18T08:41:24-04:00October 18th, 2009|Reports and Publications|

Corrupt Privatization Does Not Deter IMF Lending to Sri Lanka

(July 2009): Government Accountability Project and Consultants 21 Limited report on the International Monetary Fund’s continued lending to Sri Lanka to reverse declines in tax revenues despite the budget deficits being a result of a lack of safeguard measures to protect state assets, corruption, and fraud favoring private interests in the sale of state-owned [...]

2020-05-18T09:03:08-04:00July 18th, 2009|Reports and Publications|