“Everything’s Cool”—a film about the efforts of global warming citizen activists and educators, and about America finally “getting” global warming in the face of the right-wing disinformation campaign and the dangerous chasm between scientific understanding and political action—is now available on DVD for home and community screenings. 

“Everything’s Cool” on Amazon
On Netflix
Information about hosting activist, community, high school, or college institutional screenings

Los Angeles Times review:

Los Angeles Times
November 23, 2007

The witty side of global warming


Daniel Gold and Judith Helfand’s lively “Everything’s Cool” charts the struggle of environmental activists to get out the message about the dire and increasingly imminent consequences of global warming in the face of a steadfast misinformation policy on the part of the government—a policy greatly intensified during the Bush administration. With wit and passion, Gold and Helfand marshal a plethora of data and developments yet never lose their narrative thread.

Wisely, they cut back and forth between several engaging activists. Foremost are Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist/author Ross Gelbspan and Bill McKibben, author of the groundbreaking 1987 “The End of Nature.” Both admit to feelings of despair, with Gelbspan even saying that he feels like “Paul Revere without a horse.” Both were re-energized by Hurricane Katrina, an event so cataclysmic that it marked a shift on the part of the American public in deciding to disregard administration “skeptics” and accept global warming as a reality.

Other experts cited include Rick Piltz, whose job was to prepare scientific reports to Congress on the latest research on climate change—until he turned whistle-blower and became front-page news. And since 2003, climate expert Dr. Heidi Cullen has been providing crucial context for the Weather Channel’s climate stories.

“Everything’s Cool” is chock full of pithy observations, none sharper than McKibben’s remark that for most people “the economy is more real than the natural world.”

Copyright 2008 Los Angeles Times

Here’s our favorite member review on Netflix:

Don’t be fooled by the fake negative reviews left by anti-environmentalist Al Gore hating cranks. These people obviously haven’t seen the movie and want to make sure others don’t see it either. That’s a sad situation since I think everyone could learn from this movie. It is an intelligent and witty documentary that is focused less on the science of global warming and more on the political mess that keeps the government from taking action on the issue. This is an enjoyable, quirky and surprisingly moving portrait of several people fighting apathy, mis-information and political corruption to change the country and the planet before it’s too late.