Daily Orange: Inconvenient Truth – Government Whistleblowers to Visit SU as part of Nationwide Tour to Discuss Value of Diligence

Syracuse University’s campus newspaper previews next Wednesday’s panel featuring five whistleblowers as part of GAP’s American Whistleblower Tour, the sixth stop this academic year. Speakers will include Dr. Jon Oberg (Dept. of Education whistleblower), GAP National Security & Human Rights Director Jesselyn Radack (Dept. of Justice whistleblower), Thomas Drake (NSA surveillance), Michael Winston (Countrywide Financial) and Dr. Susan Wood (FDA/’Plan B’). More details in GAP’s press release.

Key Quote: A whistleblower is a person who sees some sort of wrongdoing in the workplace and decides to speak up and challenge it, said Louis Clark, president and corporate and financial accountability director of GAP.

“All students eventually are going to be in the workforce,” Louis Clark said. “I think they’ll be more informed about what the options are once they get to that workforce if they learn about whistleblowing, and they also learn about the protections whistleblowers now have.”

Maine Sun Journal: Whistleblower Blasts Corrupt State Workers, Gets Award

The former Maine CDC employee who allegedly faced retaliation after her bosses ordered her to destroy controversial documents was awarded the 2014 Sunshine Award yesterday by the Maine Freedom of Information Coalition. The whistleblower filed a lawsuit last year claiming she was told to shred public documents in order to cover up alleged malfeasance in the disbursement of $4.7 million in federal grant money. The award is given annually to people who advocate for open government.

Pioneer Press: Minnesota Human Services Employee Claims Whistleblower Retaliation in Lawsuit

A Minnesota Department of Human Services employee filed a whistleblower lawsuit yesterday seeking more than $50,000 in compensation for being allegedly marginalized after refusing to exempt a University of Minnesota hospital from a Medicaid rate-reduction program.


Sarah Damian is New Media Associate for the Government Accountability Project, the nation’s leading whistleblower protection and advocacy organization.