Federal food safety inspectors said a proposal by the Agriculture Department to expand a pilot program that allows private companies to take over the inspections at poultry plants could pose a health risk by allowing contaminated meat to reach customers.

Currently, the Agriculture Department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service inspectors are stationed along the assembly lines in poultry plants and examine the birds for blemishes, feces or visible defects before they are processed.

Under the planned expansion, the agency would hand over these duties to poultry plant employees, while the inspectors would spend more time evaluating the plant’s bacteria-testing and other safety programs. The department has run the pilot program in 20 poultry plants since 1998.

But many of the agency’s inspectors said the proposal puts consumers at risk for diseases like those caused by salmonella. About 1.2 million cases of food poisoning are caused by salmonella each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In affidavits given to the Government Accountability Project, a nonprofit legal-assistance group for government whistle-blowers, several inspectors who work at plants where the pilot program is in place said the main problem is that they are removed from positions on the assembly line and put at the end of the line, which makes it impossible for them to spot diseased birds.

The inspectors, whose names were redacted, said they had observed numerous instances of poultry plant employees allowing birds contaminated with fecal matter or other substances to pass. And even when the employees try to remove diseased birds, they face reprimands, the inspectors said.

The inspectors also said the Agriculture Department proposal allows poultry plants to speed up their assembly lines to about 200 birds per minute from 140, hampering any effort to examine birds for defects.

“It’s tough enough when you are trying to examine 140 birds per minute with professional inspectors,” said Stan Painter, a federal inspector in Crossville, Ala., a small town near Huntsville. “This proposal makes it impossible.”

Mr. Painter works at a plant in the pilot program.

The Agriculture Department says it is simply trying to modernize an outdated poultry inspection system.

“This system is the same inspection model we’ve had since the Eisenhower administration,” said Alfred V. Almanza, the administrator of the Food Safety and Inspection Service.

The agency said the new inspection model would prevent more than 5,200 poultry-related illnesses each year, though it did not say how.  The agency said that over a three-year period this change would save $90 million through the elimination of more than 800 inspector positions.

Mr. Almanza, a former inspector himself, said he felt comfortable giving inspection duties to plant employees.

“The poultry industry has made great strides in the past few years in making birds pretty uniform, so it’s easier to spot defective birds now,” Mr. Almanza said.

The poultry industry applauded the Agriculture Department decision.

“The proposed rule is the logical next step in the modernization of poultry inspection,” said Tom Super, vice president of communications for the National Chicken Council in Washington.

But some agriculture inspectors and advocacy groups see it differently.

Food and Water Watch, an advocacy group in Washington, which obtained more than 5,000 U.S.D.A. documents under the Freedom of Information Act last year, found that companies operating under the pilot program were missing defective poultry at high rates, said Tony Corbo, a lobbyist with the group.

Mr. Corbo said the group did not compare the rates with poultry plants not in the pilot program. However, the Agriculture Department said it did compare the two inspection systems and did not find a difference.

Mr. Almanza, the inspection administrator, said, “We find that plants in the pilot program were just as good or better than those that aren’t in finding contamination.”

But at least one member of Congress wants more information before the program is expanded. Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Democrat of New York, has asked the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, to review the Agriculture Department’s proposal.