the_white_house“This Tuesday, I’ll lay out my vision for … a national plan to reduce carbon pollution, prepare our country for the impacts of climate change, and lead global efforts to fight it,” the president said today via White House Twitter feed. Unofficial sources say the President’s plan includes EPA regulation of greenhouse gases from existing power plants, the Washington Post reports. This is a key item in climate movement calls for action, and one on which the White House and the Environmental Protection Agency have been frustratingly noncommittal and dilatory.  White House promotional video and link for live streaming on Tuesday are below.

“At 1:35 on Tuesday June 25th President Obama will speak at Georgetown University on the growing threat of climate change. He will lay out his vision of where we need to go, to do what we can to address and prepare for the serious implications of a changing climate. Tune in at”

President Obama promotional video on “Addressing the Threat of Climate Change”:

Some earlier posts:

Heinzerling on Obama OMB’s power grab v. EPA and science-based rulemaking

On climate change impact statements: What would be a showstopper?

“We will respond to the threat of climate change” – Looking ahead from the Inaugural Address