(Washington, D.C.) – The Government Accountability Project (GAP) has acquired an internal World Bank document that summarizes a February 2006 meeting of World Bank officials regarding climate change and clean energy. The document indicates that orders to tone down references to “climate change” in an environmental strategy paper originated in the office of Bank president Paul Wolfowitz.

This development comes on the heels of news reports identifying Juan Jose Daboub, the Bank’s Managing Director, as the Bank official who tried to “water down references to climate change.” Daboub was also exposed by GAP earlier this month as the Bank Managing Director responsible for removing references to “family planning” in both a Madagascar-assistance strategy paper and a new health strategy draft.

The summary specifies Wolfowitz’ office’s involvement after the meeting. The final paragraph of the summary reads:

Feedback from the President’s office subsequent to the meeting asked the team to refocus the paper shifting from a climate lens mainly to a clean energy lens. 

“This revision is yet another example of Mr. Wolfowitz’ attempt to align Bank policy with the ideological positions of the Bush administration,” said GAP International Program Director Bea Edwards.

The climate change controversy comes during a firestorm of criticism of Wolfowitz in the wake of GAP’s release of documents detailing Shaha Riza’s pay raise, her questionable work for defense contractor SAIC, and Daboub’s removal of “family planning,” among other issues.