Fox News (Op-Ed): UN Whistleblowers (Still) Exposed to Retaliation

GAP Executive Director Bea Edwards authored this opinion piece for Fox News about the failure of the United Nations to secure adequate whistleblower protection for the institution’s truth-tellers. She details the U.N.’s record, which has continued downhill, stating that whistleblower safeguards “are now officially inoperative.”

Key Quote: If the U.S. is serious about protecting from career-wrecking retaliation those who report waste, fraud and abuse at the United Nations, and also about protecting billions of U.S. tax dollars sent to the organization, Congress needs to look carefully at the evidence behind John Kerry’s certifications. And a real reformer should be nominated to fill the US/U.N. management reform post.

We need the light that honest whistleblowers can shed on the U.N. more than ever. And at the moment, the lights have gone out.

Federal News Radio: Interview with GAP’s Tom Devine

GAP Legal Director Tom Devine appeared in this radio interview to discuss the case settlement for GAP client and Marine Corps whistleblower Franz Gayl. Devine explained the retaliation Gayl faced after raising concerns about delays in sending lifesaving vehicles to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also detailed the settlement terms, which include Gayl’s role in setting up new whistleblower policy for the Marine Corps.

Air Marshal Whistleblower Receives Groundswell of Support, SCOTUS Oral Argument 11/4

GAP client and federal air marshal whistleblower Robert MacLean has received sweeping support in advance of his retaliation case, which heads to the Supreme Court on November 4th. Amicus briefs supporting MacLean were filed on behalf of six members of Congress, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, 13 former U.S. government officials, several nonprofit organizations, and the nation’s largest federal employee union.