Here are a few more articles that have appeared on the White House censorship scandal since 11 June when the culpable official left the White House for a new job with ExxonMobil.

US climate change assessments ‘misrepresented’,” New Scientist, June 18, 2005

“Feeling the Heat” Editorial in the New York Times, June 14, 2005. “This was hardly the first time Bush officials cooked the books for political ends.”

“The debate’s over: Globe is warming,” USA Today, June 13, 2005. “The administration was on the defensive last week…”

Quand la Maison Blanche ‘corrige’ des rapports sur le changement climatique,” Le Monde, June 12, 2005
“Que la Maison Blanche ne soit pas hostile aux positions de l’industrie pétrolière n’est un secret pour personne. Mais que cette proximité conduise à modifier la teneur de certains rapports scientifiques sur le changement climatique, voilà qui est moins banal.”