Tomorrow, September 26, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) will celebrate its 30th anniversary and recognize the vital importance of whistleblowing in society. At the event, guest-hosted by Erin Brockovich, GAP will honor several whistleblowers and congressional champions of government accountability, public safety, and whistleblower protections.

The gala will take place from 7 – 9 p.m. at the Mott House in Washington, D.C., located at 122 Maryland Ave N.E.

At the event, the honorees, all of whom will be in attendance, are:

Rep. Henry Waxman: Chairman, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Rep. Todd Platts: Ranking Member, House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Healthy Families and Communities.
Dr. David Graham: Associate Director, FDA Office of Drug Safety, and Vioxx whistleblower. 
Bogdan Dzakovic: 9/11 Airport Security Whistleblower.

Accredited members of the press are welcome to cover the event at no cost. Please email GAP Communications Director Dylan Blaylock at [redacted]

to RSVP.

Background information on the four honorees and Brockovich can be found in the full press release on the GAP web site.

Climate Science Watch is a program of the Government Accountability Project.