Science Communication

ExxonMobil and Climate Change: A Story of Denial, Delay, and Delusion, Told in Forms 10-K (2001-2008)

Disparaging legitimate scientific data and conclusions regarding global climate change and the role of fossil fuel combustion by dubbing it “junk science” has been a favorite tactic employed by the oil industry. This cartoon, penned in 2005, aptly captures the dynamic at play throughout President George W. Bush’s first term in office. [Image source: [...]

ExxonMobil and Climate Change: A Story of Denial, Delay, and Delusion, Told in Forms 10-K (1993-2000)

(Part One of Three) Climate Science & Policy Watch is keenly interested in recent developments regarding various investigations into ExxonMobil Corporation, spurred by a growing concern that the company has chronically and grossly misrepresented to its investors and the public the risks it faces as a result of impacts and other factors associated with global [...]

Notes From Underground: The Success of Paris…Pending

The year 2015 ended on an up note, but the real work lies ahead. An election year begins in the US, and the success or failure of the Paris agreement could come down to who, come 2017, controls the White House and the Senate, and whether the agreement is ratified. The agreement reached in Paris [...]

Notes From Underground: Pipeline to Paris

The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is taking place in Paris until December 11th. The Paris Conference will hopefully yield real solutions to climate change — that is, provide measures to achieve sufficient mitigation of CO2-equivalent emissions to make adaptation to the unavoidable [...]

The Importance of Paris: What’s the Climate Now?

In the past year alone, there has been a marked sea-change in the wider American public and international discourse on climate change. For far too long, it seems, the world has had to endure the prolonged grieving process of the fossil fuel industry. The debate over climate change has been dominated by a fossil fuel [...]

The United States is Dangerously Unprepared for Risks Imposed by Climate Change Impacts — Is Exxon Mobil Corporation Much to Blame?

Excerpt of internal Exxon memo from August 1988 titled “The Greenhouse Effect.” Available at: As we immediately posted on CSPW’s social media sites late yesterday, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a subpoena Wednesday evening to Exxon — signaling the beginning of what The New York Times reports to be “a sweeping [...]

Should Exxon Be Prosecuted for Suppressing Climate Science?

The latest newsflash is that Exxon scientists researched man-made global warming as early as the 1970s, found it to be a likely threat, and told management. But Exxon’s management responded by keeping the science under wraps and spending tens of millions on a science-denial PR campaign that spanned decades. All the while, Exxon was using [...]

Associated Press Bans Term “Deniers,” Prefers “Doubters”: An Inaccurate and Misleading Replacement

Image source: Associated Press Climate change denial has always been about controversy. As the science of man-made climate change has become increasingly certain over the last three decades of work by thousands of researchers, a cadre of deniers, often funded by fossil fuel industries, has become more vocal. During that same time, the [...]

Baked Alaska, Anyone? The Race to Save (or Cook) the Planet

Dr. John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, addresses attendees at the GLACIER conference in Anchorage, AK on 8/31/15. Climate Science & Policy Watch has all eyes on Alaska this week, as President Obama becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the region. As a rare treat, he will [...]

R.I.P. Rick Piltz

Rick Piltz, Founder and Director of Climate Science Watch The founder and director of Climate Science Watch, Rick Piltz, passed at 2:46 a.m. on Saturday, 18 October 2014. In the spring of 2005, Rick resigned from his position with the Coordination Office of the U.S. Global Change Research Program to protest the Bush Administration’s political [...]