Climate Change Mitigation

Notes from Underground: Proceed with Precaution, Part I

The smoking of e-cigarettes on airplanes has been banned by the FAA. Why? Because studies have not conclusively shown that “vaping” has no adverse impacts on human health. And why is an article ostensibly about fracking and pipelines starting with this information? Because it is a rare example of the correct application of the Precautionary [...]

Notes from Underground: Stupid-Cali-Frack-Logistics: Gas Leak is Atrocious

By now, you may have heard about the massive natural gas leak in Southern California, which has been ongoing since late October; then again, given the dearth of major media coverage, you very well may not have. It is an environmental catastrophe that The Guardian has called “the climate equivalent of the BP disaster.” [] [...]

Notes From Underground: The Success of Paris…Pending

The year 2015 ended on an up note, but the real work lies ahead. An election year begins in the US, and the success or failure of the Paris agreement could come down to who, come 2017, controls the White House and the Senate, and whether the agreement is ratified. The agreement reached in Paris [...]

Notes From Underground: Pipeline to Paris

The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is taking place in Paris until December 11th. The Paris Conference will hopefully yield real solutions to climate change — that is, provide measures to achieve sufficient mitigation of CO2-equivalent emissions to make adaptation to the unavoidable [...]

The Importance of Paris: What’s the Climate Now?

In the past year alone, there has been a marked sea-change in the wider American public and international discourse on climate change. For far too long, it seems, the world has had to endure the prolonged grieving process of the fossil fuel industry. The debate over climate change has been dominated by a fossil fuel [...]

The United States is Dangerously Unprepared for Risks Imposed by Climate Change Impacts — Is Exxon Mobil Corporation Much to Blame?

Excerpt of internal Exxon memo from August 1988 titled “The Greenhouse Effect.” Available at: As we immediately posted on CSPW’s social media sites late yesterday, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a subpoena Wednesday evening to Exxon — signaling the beginning of what The New York Times reports to be “a sweeping [...]

Hell and High Water: the Perils of Climate Denial Politics — South Carolina as a Case Example

South Carolina was the hardest hit of all the Atlantic coastal states affected by the massive storm system that was exacerbated by Hurricane Joaquin. Massive flooding took the lives of 19 South Carolinians and 6 others, demolished homes and buildings, turned roads into rivers, left over 30,000 without power, felled trees, and inflicted at least [...]

CSPW’s New Climate Action Plan Oversight Series: Continuing Rick Piltz’s Work on the CAP

By Rebeka Ryvola When President Obama announced the Climate Action Plan (CAP) in June of 2013, it was a landmark moment. The first-of-its-kind plan aims at achieving comprehensive action on climate change by way of a three-fold goal: cutting domestic carbon pollution, adapting the US to irreversible climate change impacts, and leading the international community [...]

Dr. David Goodrich’s Tribute to Rick Piltz: A Reflection of the Current Crisis in California

During his career in climate, Dr. David Goodrich was Director of both the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Office in Washington and the Global Climate Observing System Secretariat in Geneva. He retired in February 2011 as Director of NOAA’s Climate Observation Division. Three months later he rode his bicycle from Cape Henlopen, Delaware to [...]

Climate and energy infrastructure: On cumulative impacts of multiple tar sands pipelines

U.S. permits for multiple proposed Canadian tar sands pipelines should be considered in light of an overall climate change strategy, rather than the current practice of considering each energy infrastructure proposal on a project-by-project basis. “The administration’s commitment to aggressive greenhouse gas reduction policies simply cannot be squared with a piecemeal approach to tar sands [...]