Science-Policy Interaction

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Career ExxonMobil Executive, “Hates Your Children”

Our next Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is fond of letting people know that he is an Eagle Scout, and that he is strongly committed to bettering our youth through his involvement with the Boy Scouts. While a host of dangerous climate change impacts have already begun to cause death and destruction and to exact [...]

The Threat of Offshore Oil Spills: An Unheeded Cautionary Tale

Source: The Telegraph. Available at: By Adam Arnold When an oil production platform caught fire in the Gulf of Mexico near the Louisiana coast last week, a collective gasp would have been appropriate – from the residents of coastal Louisiana, who are no strangers to offshore oil rig disasters, from the fossil [...]

Why Are 21 Kids Suing the Federal Government, and Why Does It Matter?

Source: Our Children’s Trust Last year, on August 12, 2015, a group of courageous millennials filed suit against President Barack Obama and members of his cabinet for failing to adequately address the climate change problem commensurate with the threat, despite the fact that we have known for decades that human-caused global warming has [...]

ExxonMobil and Climate Change: A Story of Denial, Delay, and Delusion, Told in Forms 10-K (2009-2016) – Part Three (B): 2010

From left, ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson, Chevron Chairman and CEO John Watson and ConocoPhillips CEO James Mulva are sworn in before a June 15, 2010 Congressional hearing on the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. SOURCE: Associated Press This latest installment of our series addressing how the ExxonMobil Corporation has been engaged in [...]

In Memory of Rick Piltz, Founder of GAP’s Climate Science & Policy Watch

Two years ago today, GAP’s Climate Science Watch founder and Bush Administration whistleblower, Rick Piltz, passed away. Rick lived a fascinating life of social change activism and truth-telling, and devoted much of his time during his final days to ensuring his friends and followers could carry on his mission of challenging both those who deny [...]

“25 and Still Counting” – Congressional Committee Chair Brags About Issuing Subpoena After Subpoena. Is This Vigorous Oversight, or an Abuse of Power?

Congressional hearing witness, Professor Ronald Rotunda   Source: By Adam Arnold Last week we expressed concerns we share with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and others that, as Chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology (SST), Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) is on a misguided, overzealous mission to discredit [...]

Federalism, the First Amendment, and Facts vs. Fiction on Climate Change All on Trial Tomorrow at Congressional Hearing

Source: Editorial Cartoon by John Branch, North America Syndicate, published in the San Antonio Express (Rep. Smith’s congressional district’s local newspaper) on May 26, 2013. News cameras and long lines of people waiting to enter a packed hearing room are not the stuff of normal business carried out by the U.S. House [...]

ExxonMobil Stays Precariously Above Water in Louisiana

Source: A Flood of Floods Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has been inundated for over a week. Flooding brought on by torrential rains has left at least thirteen people dead and caused damage to tens of thousands of homes and businesses – including the Exxon Mobil Corporation, one of many petrochemical companies with facilities [...]

A Cautionary Tale: CSPW’s Investigation into NCA’s Past Suppression to Prevent Future Political Interference

Source: Wikimedia Commons By Jonah Hahn During the eight years of President Bush’s presidency, disputing, delaying, or diminishing the National Climate Assessment’s findings occurred as part of a larger struggle against accepting emerging consensus about anthropogenic climate change. President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore released the National Climate Assessment, the first [...]

Notes from Underground: Fraxit

There was big news from Great Britain last month, and it wasn’t all about leaving the European Union: on June 1, Scotland voted to permanently ban fracking within its borders, reaffirming an earlier moratorium. Not long before, a council vote in North Yorkshire, England, allowed for renewed shale oil exploration and fracking for the first [...]